Datamax-O'Neil I13-00-48000L07 I-4310e I-Class Mark II Industrial Label Printer Memory: 32MB / 64MB Fonts Included: Resident fonts: Ten alphanumeric fonts from 2.5 to 23 point size, including OCR-A, OCR-B, CG Triumvirate smooth font from AGFA Scalable Fonts: CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed, CG Triumvirate & CG Times with Cyrillic, Greek Arabic and Hebrew character support Downloadable font types: True-Type, Bitmap Font expansion/rotation: All fonts expandable vertically and horizontally up to 24x; fonts and graphics can be printed in four directions: 0 degree, 90 degree, 180 degree and 270 degree Media Type: Roll-fed: 8.0 (203.2mm) O.D. on a 1.5 - 3.0 (38.1mm - 76.2mm) core Fan-fold stock: accepted from rear of printer Die-cut or continuous labels Perforated or continuous tag/ticket stock Media sizes supported: Media width range: 1.0 - 4.65 (25.4mm - 118.1mm) Minimum media length: Tear-off and rewind mo...