In Gotham City's shadows lurks a mysterious figure, a silent guardian known only as the Batman. While battling crime and an ever-growing public distrust, he faces the injustices of the night alone. During a criminal pursuit, the Batman crosses paths with the arrogant intergalactic cop Green Lantern, and the unlikely duo uncovers an impending threat bigger and more deadly than anything the Earth has faced before. For the Earth to have a chance to survive, it will b a race to forge an uneasy alliance of its greatest super powers, including the Kryptonian alien, Superman; the Amazonian envoy, Wonder Woman; and the Scarlet Speedster, the Flash. Along with newcomers Cyborg and teen super hero Shazam, this awesome assembly of the world's finest are prepared to meet evil head-on and offer mankind its only hope, if they don't self-destruct first!Special Features: A Sneak Peek at Son of Batman An advance look into the next DC Animated Feature Film with the creators and cast. Deconstructing JL: War with Jay Oliva and Jim Lee Part commentary, part documentary, director Jay Oliva teams up with artist Jim Lee as they compare and contrast the comic to screen process of some of the most memorable moments in the film. Creating Heroes: The Life and Art of Jim Lee This documentary film explores the work of master artist, Jim Lee, from his early days to his current position at DC and collaboration with Geoff Johns. Justice League: War Act D - From animatic to pencil test. From the DC Comics Vault 1. JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED Season 3THE DESTROYER 2. BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD Season 2 THE MALICIOUS MR MIND 3. Young Justice Invasion: Destiny Calling - Happy New Year - Season 2 Part 1 4. Young Justice Invasion: Destiny Calling - Earthlings - Season 2 Part 1