Based on DC Comics, Green Arrow superhero comic book series, Arrow has been reinvented for a modern day audience and comes to DVD and BD for the first time. After being marooned for five years on a remote island, billionaire Oliver Queen returns home with a mysterious agenda and a lethal set of new skills that he uses in a war on crime in this hard-hitting action series. After suffering unimaginable ordeals on the island, the Oliver returns to Starling City a new man -- determined to right the wrongs of his father and sworn to bring justice to those who've corrupted his city. But Oliver finds his crusade complicated by his friends and family who are all affected by his return.Special Features: * Arrow Comes Alive! - From the minds of Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg comes Arrow, with its solid nod toward the roots of the famous DC Comics character. These two creative forces, along with their stellar cast, will guide this documentary, as they describe their modern update of the Green Arrow for a television audience. * Arrow: Fight School/Stunt School (featurette): From expertly choreographed fights, to stunts that give feature films a run for their money; Arrow takes aim to present the best that television can offer. Experience the extraordinary effort that goes into each stunt sequence. * Deleted Scenes * Gag Reel * Arrow at Paley Fest 2013: Highlights from the Paley Fest 2013 Arrow panel including the cast and producers