This is the crack and crevice tool for the Eureka Smart Vac 4800 series uprights, and also fits the 6800 series canister models. Fits Eureka the Boss Smart Vac models; 4870AT, 4870ATV, 4870BT, 4870DT,4870 GZ, 4870HZ, 4870K, 4870MZ, 4870PZ, 4870RZ, 4870SZX, 4872AT, 4872BT, 4874AT,4870HZ, 4870PZ, 4870K, 4870MZ, 4870RZ, 4870SZX, 4880A, 4880B, 4880D, 4880AT, 4880BT, 4885AT, and 4885BTGenuine Eureka attachment; 26708-119N