Uniden's HomePatrol-1 Simple Program Digital Scanner lets you quickly hear the communications systems used by Public Safety, Aircraft, Military, Weather Spotters, and More. Whether it is across town or across the street, HomePatrol-1 keeps you informed. The most astounding advance in scanner technology is found with the Uniden Digital Scanner with Touchscreen. Simply enter your information and HomePatrol-1 selects the channels in use in your area. The TrunkTracker IV feature (Motorola APCO 25 Digital, Motorola, EDACS, LTR) lets you monitor all of the major types of communications systems used by public safety, local government, amateur radio operators, and more. The Uniden HomePatrol-1 covers Canada and the US. The built-in database includes all known channels in use in Canada and the United States. With a large 3.5" colour touch screen, the Uniden HomePatrol-1 Digital Scanner responds to your commands and reads out information details. The quick record and playback feature lets you record sessions for later playback or archiving. Record up to 4 minutes of received messages. Get online radio system updates weekly with the USB port. Select the S.A.M.E. emergency weather alert for vital bulletins in your area.