What do Kayak, Uber, AirBnB, Match, OnePage, Dropbox and Google all have in common? They all used business development partnership channels to grow their startups. They BECAME GREAT because they used the right partners early on in their startup life. > Kayak integrated with USA Today to power their travel section > Match[dot]com integrated with Yahoo to form the Yahoo Dating section. > Airbnb partnered with Nest to help save energy > Uber partnered with the National Association of the Deaf to cater to the needs of the hearing-challenged. > Google owes much of its early growth to channel partnerships with companies such as Yahoo and AOL. > Dropbox is huge because it was installed on every Samsung phoneThis course is divided into 9 easy to follow modules that combine both theory and real life implementation so that you can actually see how partnerships and alliances can be created no matter what size business you have. Even if you are a solopreneur.