Paradigm Health and Wellness 5502 Ironman LX 300 Inversion Table Type: Inversion Tables Size: ASSEMBLED DIMENSIONS: 46.4L x 27W x 57H Weight: ASSEMBLED WEIGHT: 55 lbs. Feature: The Ironman LX300 is built with an exceedingly strong steel frame with a scratch resistant powder coated finish. It has a foam vinyl covered backrest for a comfortable head and back when inverting. Extra long safety handles provide easy return to the upright position. The LX300 will provide excellent stress and back relief but a very affordable price. - WEIGHT CAPACITY: User weight capacity of 275lbs - USER HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: 4'10 up to 6'6 - FRAME: Heavy duty 1.5 square steel frame construction to prevent any instability when inverting - BACKREST: 3/4 soft foam for comfort when inverting - ANKLE HOLDERS: Combination foam roller and ankle cushions to hold ankles securely and safely - ANKLE RELEASE SYSTEM: Easy pull ...