So your little girl wants to be a Disney princess for Halloween? How precious! But what princess does she want to be? There are so many to choose from, especially with the latest emergence of Disney Royalty in the last decade. Well, why not dress your kiddo up as one of the three original princesses, one of them who had paved the road for the rest of the princesses to follow. The original three Disney Princesses were Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty. Everyone knows that Aurora had the best sense of fashion! She had a dress that changed colors on the dance floor! While we can't guarantee you a color changing dress (sorry, sadly we are not fairy godmothers), we can assure you that your little one will feel like the prettiest princess at the ball when she tops her Aurora costume off with this Sleeping Beauty Tiara! And maybe if you're lucky enough a trio of good fairies will appear to make your princess's night truly magical.