Chuga-chuga-choo-choo!Trains have been awesome since they were first created. And, even today, when we have our fancy cars, airplanes, and just about everything except hover boards, we still find trains cool. So, it's no wonder that your kid is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine, The Little Engine That Could, and The Polar Express. You buy all the little train toys that you can find. Magnetic ones, wooden ones, even little plastic ones with hooks.Now, your kid wants to look like a conductor. Put this Child Engineer Hat on them, and watch as they pull their trains around the living room. Reenacting scenes from the Little Engine That Could. Making The Polar Express go off the tracks. Acting as the conductor, helping Thomas and his friends move large loads, get unstuck, and have play time. As always, when they play it will be adorable. It's even better when they go, Choo-Choo.