In this course we do not intend to introduce a complex, philosophical, intellectual debate on current ethical considerations. Rather, we will present a practical discussion of business ethics, with specific examples taken from the insurance industry. Part One: We begin with the importance of ethics in insurance and follow with an abbreviated discussion of the fundamentals of ethics. Our objective is to get you thinking about the ethical standards, and behavior, of your peers, and your industry, in thought and practice. The agent completing this work will have an enhanced sensitivity to ethically-based issues, increased competency in applying ethically-based principles, and, hopefully, a renewed commitment to doing the right thing, both professionally and personally. The text addresses the complexities of ethical decision making in today's insurance environment. It suggests ways for insurance producers to establish ethics in the work place and thereby take a step toward reducing the possibility of questionable practices and wrongdoing. The course cannot and does not give an answer for every dilemma an insurance professional will face. But it does offer a set of theoretical tools to assist producers by identifying the characteristics and variables making up the most commonly faced ethical problems and acceptable solutions to be considered.