With a ready supply of one-liners and a delightfully retro sense of fashion, Fran Drescher (TV’s The Nanny) provides the who, what, when and wear of this funny and smart comedy about a ruler from a land of tyrants and kings – and a hairdresser from Queens. Eager to make her way in the world, hairdresser Joy Miller (Drescher) gets her chance when she’s sent to a modern once-upon-a-time land called Slovetzia to tutor the three children of gruff, widowed dictator Boris Pochenko (Timothy Dalton). Joy thinks she’s been hired as a beautician. Boris thinks she’s been hired as an able science teacher. Science or not, chemistry of another sort begins to work its magic. Joy’s spirited openness blows the cobwebs off tradition-bound Slovetzia. And her resourcefulness gives Pochenko’s heart a makeover…or does it? The best way to find out is to make an appointment with The Beautician and the Beast!