As the infectious and kickin' title tune informs us, Butch Cassidy is a teen singing sensation with a swinging difference - he's also one hepcat superspy! To paraphrase the pop top-secret lyrics (for your ears only!), Butch picks his axe and gets a call on his one-of-a-kind mod spy ring, and he and his back-up band are on the go-go to solve every mystery and help the bad guys take a fall. With a grueling tour schedule that sees Butch and the band (level-headed bassist Stephanie, lovely tambourinist Merilee, comical percussionist Wally and his dog Elvis) playing at the hottest hot-spots all over the globe Butch brings rocking righteousness to the nefarious, everywhere on Earth and even under the sea. This 2-Disc discography lays out all of Butch's 13 top-ten Saturday Morning adventures. Featuring the vocal talents of Micky Dolenz and Frank Welker.