Nyoman Lentong celebrates Hindu legend with the sweet melodies of this suling flute. It is an essential instrument of the Balinese gamelan orchestra. Lentong decorates the bamboo flute with coconut ashes to conjure the image of Garuda, regarded as Indonesia's national symbol. According to Hindu legend, Garuda was once held hostage by the evil naga dragons, and when he broke free he took the magical elixir of life, called tirtha amertha, which he found in a secret place guarded by the Nagas. Garuda flew directly to the heavens, and the gods became so impressed with his feat they gave him the gift of immortality. He became Vishnu’s steed, transporting the beloved deity between heaven and earth. Garuda's image is now very much revered in Bali, and frequently appears atop cremation towers in the belief he will transport the deceased's soul to the gods.