This 1:1 replica of these fighting knives used by TAURIEL™ in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug will make a stunning addition to any Middle-earth collection. As Captain of the Woodland Guard, TAURIEL™ carries signature twin daggers with blades made of a bronzed alloy and a steel edge of superior strength. This replica is crafted of stainless steel with cast metal and polycarbonate handles, precisely detailed and colored to exactly match the original from the film. The hilts are crafted from greenwood with bronzed steel fittings. It is presented with a wood wall display featuring graphic motif of TAURIEL TM, and includes a certificate of authenticity. These fighting knives measures approximately 22 in length. United Cutlery, industry leader in fine movie reproductions, has meticulously recreated these breathtaking props using only the finest grade materials and craftsmanship. Attention to detail was a top priority to ensure these blades match the actual filming prop as closely as possible. Model: UC3044. Item is for display purposes only. Ages 18+