The thrilling orchestral and original music from the acclaimed Warner Bros. television series Batman: The Animated Series is unleashed in this spellbinding 2-CD limited edition pressing from La-La Land Records. Composer Shirley Walker, along with Lolita Ritmanis and Michael McCuistion, and Danny Elfman's iconic Batman Theme, revolutionized animated TV music with robust, full-blooded music that propelled Batman: The Animated Series to lofty critical and artistic heights, enriching the Dark Knight's legacy. Included booklet features in-depth liners, including comments from writer/producer Paul Dini and composers Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuistion, and Danny Elfman.Disc one includes: Batman: The Animated Series - Main Title, On Leather Wings, The Last Laugh, It's Never Too Late, Pretty Poison, Christmas with the Joker.Disc two includes: Batman: The Animated Series - Alternate Main Title, Two-Face Part I, Two-Face Part II, Joker's Favor, Vendetta, Perchance to Dream, Birds of a Feather, Batman: The Animated Series - End Credit.