Do you want to win that ugly holiday sweater contest at last? This crazy cat sweater just might help you claw your way past the other contestants and win the title. It’s got all kinds of outlandish decorations going on. Once you get past the hoard of Santa cats, you can really start to take in the beribboned jingle bells that add sound effects to this top. Liberally sprinkle cat hair on some black slacks to add realism to this outfit—but leave the real cat at home. Welcome to, home to the world famous Tipsy Elves ugly Christmas sweaters. This is not your typical Christmas sweater store. In fact, at Tipsy Elves, we strive to be different. Our ugly Christmas sweaters are designed from the bottom up, mixing traditional styles with modern humor. Our slogan is “Not your momma’s Christmas sweater,” and when you see our collection of funny Christmas sweaters, you’ll instantly know why.