Has anyone ever told you that you're a real wildcat? That's not an insult if you're a true blue University of Kentucky fan. After all, wildcats are plucky, persistent, and full of pride. That's why they can more than hold their own in a fight—just like your favorite college football team does on the field. This University of Kentucky sweater will leave no doubt what team you hold closest to your heart. When it comes to celebrating college football, a bluegrass beauty like you should be wearing one of our Tipsy Elves sweater. This rich, cobalt blue top is eye-catching and appealing—not to mention flattering. The white fair isle design with the interlocking U and K shows your support for the amazing Wildcats. It doesn't matter that Labor Day has come and gone. This sweater still looks outstanding with white jeans and silver heels. Welcome to TipsyElves.com, home to the world famous Tipsy Elves ugly Christmas sweaters. This is not your typical Christmas sweater store. In fact, at Tipsy Elves, we strive to be different. Our ugly Christmas sweaters are designed from the bottom up, mixing traditional styles with modern humor. Our slogan is “Not your momma’s Christmas sweater,” and when you see our collection of funny Christmas sweaters, you’ll instantly know why.