Aren’t you glad you root for a college football team that has such attractive colors? Unlike the harsh orange and maroon sported by so many other teams, the pale blue and white of the Tar Heels makes your skin look great. You’ll adore the UNC sweater we’ve created for Christmastime. It features the lovely tint of a clear winter sky bedecked with black and white Fair Isle design work. The geometric patterns look like frost on a windowpane, perfectly framing the NC logo that’s front and center. Wear this elegant college football sweater with black jeans and a white parka on cold winter days. For holiday parties, dress it up with a white and black hounds tooth skirt. Add just a touch of Christmas color with your accessories. Choose gold jewelry or a white and silver scarf to maintain a sophisticated theme for your outfit. For a more happy-go-lucky look, choose a fun Christmas beanie from our Tipsy Elves collection. Welcome to, home to the world famous Tipsy Elves ugly Christmas sweaters. This is not your typical Christmas sweater store. In fact, at Tipsy Elves, we strive to be different. Our ugly Christmas sweaters are designed from the bottom up, mixing traditional styles with modern humor. Our slogan is “Not your momma’s Christmas sweater,” and when you see our collection of funny Christmas sweaters, you’ll instantly know why.