It’s been a long time since we were kids, playing a bunch of rampant chasing games in the back yard. Tag wasn’t ever enough. We needed to invent new rules and create some unique characters to make the game more exciting. We’d occasionally be slimy aliens hunting down fleeing citizens. Other times we’d play cops and robbers and our job would be to get to the tree to ‘rob’ it and then escape the officers sent to capture us and bring us back to jail. Why exactly the robbers followed the rules and stayed in jail until they were rescued by the other robbers, we’re not sure we ever understood. Why play by the rules at that point, after all!?And, of course, there were the ongoing conflicts between the cowboys and indians, the whole game inspired by Old Western movies where the two opposing forces rarely saw eye to eye. While both groups set themselves against each other, occasionally, we’d have the wise and courteous lass from either the Western Town or the Native Tribe who’d charm the hearts of the others and bring some peace… at least until love might prosper and then it was right back to kidnapping the princess or barmaid and time, once again, for war!Now you can relive some of those games you had growing up and share them with your youngster who might have not had a chance to play such games with the invasion of the iPad tablets! Transform your tyke with this Child Indian Princess costume and reveal the native flower in the modern era. This sleeveless pullover dress has self ties for size adjustment and a faux suede poncho style cape lined with fringe and brocade ribbon. Your kiddo’s hair can be decorated with felt barrettes that are decorated with feathers on top of a metal hair clip. Gather the entire squad with more of our Native and Western inspired costumes and you could make your own movie! |