A lot of young children often dream about growing up to one day be a firefighter or a police officer but your kiddo is a little different, isn’t he? He doesn’t hope to be the man behind the wheel; no he wants to be much more than that. He wants to be one with the wheel… and the tires, and the engine, and pretty much the whole vehicle, and it doesn’t end there. Although why would it? Your little gear-head dreams of being one of those robots in disguise, but not just any generic Transformer. No, he wants to lead the Autobots into battle as their fearless leader Optimus Prime!Optimus, formally known as Orion Pax, was the last born of the first 13 Primes on Cybertron and was the one to rally the rest together against the Chaos Bringer Unicron. He ignited the fire in their hearts with his reassurance that “All are One” and protected his planet and kind from certain destruction… Wow, your little one is going to have some pretty huge robotic shoes to fill once he tosses on this costume, but we’re confident that he’ll manage just fine! After all, he is your kiddo, and you know what you’re doing.Once your youngster’s head to toe transformation is complete he’ll be ready to defend Earth against any galactic threat that may come. Of course, he’ll also be ready for the best Halloween ever! Get your camera ready. You’ll want to make sure you get a snapshot or two of your heroic robot before he shouts, “Autobots! Roll out!” and heads off on his next great adventure. |