The Planet Friendly Vacuum Bag 39633 For Mighty Mite VacuumsThis is a reusable cloth shakeout bag designed to fit all Mighty Mite canisters that use Style MM vacuum bags. Go Green, and never have to purchase another vacuum bag ever again. The bag fits just like a paper bag does, and when it gets full, simply remove the bag and at the bottom of the bag there is a plastic clip that slides off of the bag to open it. Simply empty the bag out in the trash. The bag is machine washable, and can be reused multiple times. The bag is constructed of durable materials, and will withstand even the most abusive commercial cleaning companies. This is a genuine Eureka Style MM Cloth Shakeout Reusable Bag, Part number 39633. The Mighty Mite canisters are made for several different brands. This bag fits all of the following Mighty Mite models:Eureka Models 3630A 3631A 3650A 3624A Eureka 3684F Pet Lovers 3670A 3671A-1 3670G 3672A 3682D 3684A 3684B 3685B 3685A 3682B 3682A 3679B 3676B 3679A 3676A 3672B 3682A 3682B 3682D 3684A 3684B 3685B 3685ASanitaire by Electrolux Mighty Mite Models S3681A S3681B-1 S3686A SC3683A S3689Powr-Flite Commercial Compact Canister Model: Powr-Flite PF5 Commerical Vacuum.